Sunday, February 17, 2008

Overheard at School

We have a great music teacher at our school. She is everything a music teacher should be and more. All of my second grade kids love music, it's a fun class. They learn about musical elements, they play musical instruments and play musical games. Lots of musical stuff goes on in that class.

Well, the other day a parent came by the music teacher's class to complain. She really was most upset with our music teacher. She says her child doesn't want to come to music class. The music teacher has them.......................listen to music. Can you imagine?

I know, I know. You're thinking that there has to be more than that to it. No. She has them listen to a portion of a piece of music for about 5 minutes when they first come in. Classical and other important pieces of music. She discusses it briefly. They're only in 2nd grade so this is a very short segment in her lesson plans.


Paulie said...

Doesn't that Mom realize what a blessing that 5 minutes is? Hopefully, the child will one day not regret it as she does now. . .

dot said...

There is always someone who wants to spoil what is good. Makes me sick!

Mrs. G. said...

I wish I could say this surprises me. What a derfwad.

Anonymous said...

Why can't people just have a little common sense? Grr!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Well if her child doesn't WANT to do something . . .

Mom will be paying for this later!

Anonymous said...

I remember songs from elementary school and still sing them (even if they are kids songs). Music is a very important part of a child's overall education. That mother sounds like a winner. (Not)