Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break

Last week was Spring Break and boy was I busy. I had a great time. First of all I finished off the little half bath I was redoing, and got some spring cleaning done. Pictures here. I cleared out a little and took stuff to Goodwill. It doesn't look like anything is gone *sigh*. Then on Thursday my sister from Kansas and her family came down for a visit. I hadn't seen her since last summer when she got married and moved to Kansas. We enjoyed catching up, playing games, and spending Easter with family and friends.

We also exchanged our Christmas presents, which we hadn't mailed to each other. We always have a great laugh when we do this. This is because we try to out do each with useless and stupid gifts. We tend to pass some of them back and forth over the years.

Easter at Teresa's house was wonderful as always. We ate, and ate, visited and visited, played with kids, took pictures, and visited more.

Then today David, who had taken the week off, and I went back to work and Sandi and fam went back home. I'm back on a schedule now!


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Off schedule is good, but back on schedule is good too.

SandyCarlson said...

We used to exchange nonsense gifts with family friends. We spoofed up the whole gifty thing and had a marvelous time. We enjoyed it more than exchanging serious gifts with family, I think. It was pure fun.

I'm glad you had a nice break.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Look this nonsense!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun Glad you enjoyed your spring break!

Paulie said...

Spring break is next week for teachers and kids in Vancouver. Glad you got some work accomplished and had fun too.